page break beforeAlternative to hard page breaks

Page break be­fore forces a para­graph to start at the top of a new page. Vi­su­ally, there’s no dif­fer­ence be­tween us­ing the page-break-be­fore op­tion and typ­ing a hard page break in front of the para­graph. But that’s only ef­fi­cient for the oc­ca­sional paragraph.

The page-break-be­fore op­tion is in­tended to be in­cor­po­rated into para­graph and char­ac­ter styles so all para­graphs of a par­tic­u­lar style will start at the top of a new page. For in­stance, you might ap­ply it to your top-level head­ing style. In a long doc­u­ment, typ­ing hard page breaks in front of each head­ing would be tedious.

How to use page break before

WordRight-click in the text and se­lect ParagraphLine and Page Breaks check Page break before

PagesViewShow Toolbar (or op­tion + ⌘ + t) → Format but­ton → More pane → check Start paragraph on a new page

CSSNot applicable

by the way
  • A small wrin­kle arises when you use page break be­fore with head­ings that have space above and be­low. Your word proces­sor, try­ing to be help­ful, will ig­nore the space-above set­ting if the head­ing is the first thing on the page. If that’s what you want, great. But if it’s not, you’ll have to de­vise a suit­able workaround.

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