keep with next paragraphAlways use with headings

Keep with next para­graph binds the last line of a para­graph to the first line of the next. It en­sures no page break hap­pens be­tween the two para­graphs. It’s like keep lines to­gether, ex­cept it works be­tween para­graphs in­stead of within a paragraph.

Al­ways use this op­tion with head­ings. It looks bad if a head­ing ap­pears at the bot­tom of a page and the text it’s in­tro­duc­ing starts on the next page. Keep­ing with the next para­graph pre­vents this.

The keep-with-next-para­graph op­tion is a lit­tle bor­ing on its own. It gets more in­ter­est­ing when used with its friend, the keep-lines-to­gether op­tion. For in­stance, I once had to pre­pare a jury-in­struc­tion form with many en­tries like this:

CACI 204. Willful suppression of evidence
_____ Given as proposed
_____ Given as modified
_____ Refused
_____ Withdrawn

Here, the name of the jury in­struc­tion is one para­graph, and the four choices be­low are a sec­ond para­graph. The four choices won’t get sep­a­rated from each other be­cause they’re glued to­gether with the keep-lines-to­gether op­tion. But we don’t want the in­struc­tion name get­ting sep­a­rated from the choices ei­ther. By set­ting the in­struc­tion name to keep with next para­graph, all five lines will move as a unit.

How to keep with next paragraph

WordRight-click in the text and se­lect ParagraphLine and Page Breaks → check Keep with next

PagesViewShow Toolbar (or op­tion + ⌘ + t) → Format but­ton → More pane → check Keep with next paragraph

CSSNot applicable

by the way
  • Why didn’t I make the whole block one para­graph? So I could ap­ply a sep­a­rate para­graph style to the names of the in­struc­tions, and re­for­mat all of them as a group. (See para­graph and char­ac­ter styles.)

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