
You can reach me by email, but please note—

  1. I’ve launched a new ty­pog­ra­phy-dis­cus­sion fo­rum. If you have a ques­tion, I en­cour­age you to post it there, so oth­ers can par­tic­i­pate & ben­e­fit from the an­swer. (No cost & no ads, just like this book.)

  2. I don’t hand out de­sign tem­plates, in­clud­ing the source files for the sam­ple doc­u­ments. You’re wel­come, how­ever, to crib as many ideas as you like.

  3. I can’t dis­pense in­di­vid­u­al­ized ty­po­graphic ad­vice (e.g., “What font should I use for … ?”) The point of this book, af­ter all, is to help you make those de­ci­sions yourself.

  4. “I don’t want to pay for your book. I just want to ex­press my out­rage!” Please—no need. You’ve al­ready voted with your wallet.

  5. Yes, sched­ule per­mit­ting, I some­times ac­cept con­sult­ing projects, in­clud­ing ex­pert-wit­ness work. No, I’m afraid I don’t take on vol­un­teer projects. I al­ready make a lot of my work avail­able for free.

Fair enough? OK then—I’m at mb@mb­

by the way
undock move Heliotrope Equity Valkyrie Century Supra Concourse Triplicate buy font close