
Thank you to every­one who has paid for this book. Your sup­port makes my con­tin­u­ing work in ty­pog­ra­phy possible.

Thank you to Erik Spiek­er­mann for writ­ing the fore­word.

Thank you to Matthew Flatt, Jay Mc­Carthy, and the Racket de­vel­op­ment team.

Thank you to William Lid­well for per­mis­sion to reprint the but­ter­fly-bal­lot diagrams.

Thank you to Al­lan Ha­ley for back­ground facts about Times New Ro­man.

I wel­come sug­ges­tions for fu­ture re­vi­sions of the book.

But­ter­fly bal­lot and re­designed bal­lot in Why ty­pog­ra­phy mat­ters: © 2003 William Lid­well, Kritina Holden, and Jill But­ler, from their book Uni­ver­sal Prin­ci­ples of De­sign (see bib­li­og­ra­phy). Used with permission.

High­way sign in What is ty­pog­ra­phy: © iS­tock­ / Dou­ble_Vi­sion. Used un­der li­cense. Mod­i­fied by Matthew Butterick.

Man­ual type­writer in Type com­po­si­tion: © iS­tock­ / slobo. Used un­der license.

Com­puter key­board in Type com­po­si­tion: © iS­tock­ / Amor­phis. Used un­der li­cense. Mod­i­fied by Matthew Butterick.

Metal type in Hy­phens and dashes: Pub­lic-do­main im­age. Avail­able from Wiki­me­dia Commons.

Caslon type spec­i­men in text for­mat­ting: Pub­lic-do­main im­age. Avail­able from Wiki­me­dia Commons.

Page from the Kelm­scott Chaucer in page lay­out: Pub­lic-do­main im­age. Scanned by Liam Quin (avail­able at fro­mold­

Let­ter from B. F. Hal­lett in sam­ple doc­u­ments: Pub­lic-do­main im­age. Avail­able from the Li­brary of Con­gress “Amer­i­can Mem­ory” collection.

Type spec­i­mens in sam­ple doc­u­ments, web­sites, ap­pen­dix, and com­men­tary from Cees De Jong, Al­ston Purvis, and Jan Thole­naar, Type. A Vi­sual His­tory of Type­faces & Graphic Styles (Taschen, 2013).

Au­thor il­lus­tra­tion: stip­ple draw­ing by Noli Novak.

undock move Heliotrope Equity Valkyrie Century Supra Concourse Triplicate buy font close