You can reach me by email, but please note—
I’ve launched a new typography-discussion forum. If you have a question, I encourage you to post it there, so others can participate & benefit from the answer. (No cost & no ads, just like this book.)
I don’t hand out design templates, including the source files for the sample documents. You’re welcome, however, to crib as many ideas as you like.
I can’t dispense individualized typographic advice (e.g.,
“What font should I use for … ?”) The point of this book, after all, is to help you make those decisions yourself.“I don’t want to pay for your book. I just want to express my outrage!” Please—no need. You’ve already voted with your wallet.Yes, schedule permitting, I sometimes accept consulting projects, including expert-witness work. No, I’m afraid I don’t take on volunteer projects. I already make a lot of my work available for free.
Fair enough? OK then—I’m at
If you’re writing to ask for a downloadable version, you may be interested in Why there’s no e-book or PDF.
Superfans can subscribe to my minimalist mailing list where I post short, occasional items that don’t fit here.