MB lectures & articles

Seven Es­sen­tial Qual­i­ties of Open Source

Should open source mean something more than file sharing? I think so. (article)

Why Google Fonts Aren’t Re­ally Open Source

Making something free isn’t the same as making it open source. (article)

Re­vers­ing the Tide of De­clin­ing Expectations

Technology invites designers to take shortcuts, but we have to ask more of ourselves. (video + lecture transcript)

Re­build­ing the Ty­po­graphic Society

In its purpose and method, typography is inseparable from humanity’s most consequential invention: the written word. (lecture transcript)

Ty­pog­ra­phy for Docs

Why writers of technical documentation should take typography seriously. (video)

The Bomb in the Garden

The web needs to overcome its two big structural flaws, or else it will become a second-class platform. (lecture transcript)
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