States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,
establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility,
provide for the common Defense, promote the
general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of
Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.
If you like, you can edit this paragraph.
1–2 people3–5 people6–10 people
save 47% on full library (eight families)
MB Type Library$499$999$1499

Be­cause of se­cu­rity con­sid­er­a­tions, my pay­ment links do not sup­port In­ter­net Ex­plorer 11 or ear­lier. Please use a dif­fer­ent browser.

Valkyrie in­cludes 96 font files:
= 6 styles (reg­u­lar, italic, bold, bold italic, reg­u­lar caps, bold caps)
× 2 weight grades (A and B)
× 2 vari­ants (stan­dard and Tab, with tab­u­lar fig­ures as the de­faults)
+ 8 OT vari­ants (for pro­fes­sional page lay­out & web de­sign)
× 3 file for­mats (OTF for Mac OS, TTF for Win­dows, WOFF2 for websites)

Read the font li­cense (it’s short) or the FAQ
Li­censes can only be shared within a sin­gle or­ga­ni­za­tion or fam­ily (de­tails)
For de­tails on char­ac­ter set and Open­Type fea­tures, visit MB Type
For more than ten peo­ple, visit MB Type

Valkyrie is one of the fonts avail­able for body text in this book. (Click on the font-se­lec­tion tool­bar at the bot­tom of the page to try it.) Valkyrie is a con­tem­po­rary, cal­li­graphic serif partly in­spired by Palatino.

  1. Valkyrie has been de­signed to per­form well on both high-end out­put de­vices and of­fice print­ers. Each style in the fam­ily comes in two weight grades so you can pick the grade that looks just right on your printer.

  2. Valkyrie comes with a sep­a­rate set of caps fonts, which con­tain real small caps and al­ready in­clude my rec­om­mended let­terspac­ing.

  3. Build your own font bun­dle: your Valkyrie or­der will in­clude a dis­count code to get ad­di­tional fam­i­lies for $79 in­stead of $119 (1–2 per­son li­cense only). You can also up­grade any­time to the full MB Type Li­brary for the dif­fer­ence in price.

  4. Valkyrie has a short, plain-Eng­lish font li­cense that in­cludes per­mis­sion to use it in PDFs, web­sites, apps, and elec­tronic books. It is a one-time pay­ment, not a sub­scrip­tion.
  5. Each li­cense cov­ers mul­ti­ple peo­ple, but only within a sin­gle or­ga­ni­za­tion or fam­ily. A li­cense can­not be split among friends or ran­dom strangers. De­tails here.
  6. Valkyrie has no demo ver­sion, but I of­fer a 30-day re­turn op­tion: if the fonts aren’t your style, you can can­cel your li­cense for a refund.
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