to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and
Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the
common Defense and general Welfare of the
United States; but all Duties, Imposts and
Excises shall be uniform throughout.
If you like, you can edit this paragraph.
1–2 people3–5 people6–10 people
save 47% on full library (eight families)
MB Type Library$499$999$1499

Be­cause of se­cu­rity con­sid­er­a­tions, my pay­ment links do not sup­port In­ter­net Ex­plorer 11 or ear­lier. Please use a dif­fer­ent browser.

He­liotrope in­cludes 96 font files:
= 4 weights (book, medium, bold, black)
× 3 se­ries (ro­man, italic, and caps)
× 2 vari­ants (reg­u­lar and Tab, with tab­u­lar fig­ures as the de­faults)
+ 8 OT vari­ants (for pro­fes­sional page lay­out & web de­sign)
× 3 file for­mats (OTF for Mac OS, TTF for Win­dows, WOFF2 for websites)

Read the font li­cense (it’s short) or the FAQ
Li­censes can only be shared within a sin­gle or­ga­ni­za­tion or fam­ily (de­tails)
For de­tails on char­ac­ter set and Open­Type fea­tures, visit MB Type
For more than ten peo­ple, visit MB Type

He­liotrope is one of the fonts avail­able for body text in this book. (Click on the font-se­lec­tion tool­bar at the bot­tom of the page to try it.)

He­liotrope is nei­ther sans nor serif. Rather, it’s a hy­brid, com­bin­ing the struc­tural skele­ton of a sans with the stroke con­trast and read­abil­ity of a serif. The italic is in­spired by black­let­ter faces. Is it the weird­est font I’ve ever de­signed? Maybe. But it wears its weird­ness mildly.

  1. He­liotrope comes in four weights, with real ital­ics and small caps for every weight. It in­cludes old­style and tab­u­lar al­ter­nate fig­ures.

  2. He­liotrope comes with a sep­a­rate set of caps fonts, which con­tain real small caps and al­ready in­clude my rec­om­mended let­terspac­ing.

  3. Build your own font bun­dle: your He­li­otrope or­der will in­clude a dis­count code to get ad­di­tional fam­i­lies for $79 in­stead of $119 (1–2 per­son li­cense only). You can also up­grade any­time to the full MB Type Li­brary for the dif­fer­ence in price.

  4. He­liotrope has a short, plain-Eng­lish font li­cense that in­cludes per­mis­sion to use it in PDFs, web­sites, apps, and elec­tronic books. It is a one-time pay­ment, not a sub­scrip­tion.
  5. Each li­cense cov­ers mul­ti­ple peo­ple, but only within a sin­gle or­ga­ni­za­tion or fam­ily. A li­cense can­not be split among friends or ran­dom strangers. De­tails here.
  6. He­liotrope has no demo ver­sion, but I of­fer a 30-day re­turn op­tion: if the fonts aren’t your style, you can can­cel your li­cense for a refund.
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